Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Kevin McAllister of Blogs...

I started this post several months ago and never finished it. I suck. But it was pretty funny, so I'll just post what I had (please excuse the references to winter) and continue on from there;

I'm a bad blog mommy. As I sat here tonight, watching 'The Voice' and messaging with a friend on Facebook, I had a scary moment which closely resembled Catherine O'Hara's reaction on the plane to Paris in 'Home Alone'. 

"Blog!!!" my shocked mind screamed. Yes, I screamed in my mind. I can't scream out loud. I'd scare my mom. She always comes running to see if I'm OK when I'm cheering for something I'm watching. She's a worrier.

ANYWHO, my poor, poor blog. I love it so much, but I have been so horribly neglectful. It's been a long, lazy winter and I need some motivation to get up off the damn couch. One great way to do that and to make myself accountable is to get back to writing this blog!!

In my defense, while I was sitting on my couch all damn winter, I DID work on fulfilling a list item. I've been making a lot of crafts and have started a Facebook page to sell all my goodies. I've done pretty well, and even sold enough at Christmas to pay for almost all of my gifts. But now it's summer and I have STILL been neglecting this poor thing. I went back and read some of my previous posts and I was so proud of myself. I really enjoyed reading them, and I always enjoy writing them. So I promise to be better.

I feel like at this point we need a bit of an update and recap of last year's list, which was, for the most part, a bust. I am confident in having finished about 6 of the 16 items on last year's list, but I obviously haven't written them up. Blog fail. But I will!

Things in my life have been a bit crazy over the last few months. I got in my first car accident, helped several friends through some very challenging times, had more car trouble and ended up having to buy a new car, was thrown into a tailspin at work, and had a tree fall on my house in a hurricane, which knocked the power out for 9 days. Yes. You heard correctly. I was without power again. Combine with that the fact that 29 and I broke up in March and I have rejoined the dating scene and you begin to get a picture of the chaos that is my life at the moment. Good things have come from it as well, however. 29 and I are still friends, I have become a lot closer to my friends and in June my baby sister got engaged. I'm going to be Maid of Honour :-)

I promise more posts will come soon. I feel like I'm living in a sitcom lately, with all the bizarre and crazy things that have been happening to me. I'm sure you'll get a laugh out of them. Stay tuned. And yell at me if I don't keep up with my posts.