Saturday, January 10, 2015

Confessions of a Reformed Speed-Demon

We all have those little habits that we wish we didn't have. I actually have many. Like my cuticle mangling. And my procrastination. And the fact that I'm always late. But perhaps the one that I'm starting to hate the most is my speeding. Because it's costing me a lot of money.

I started driving late in life. I've only had my licence for 4 years. In all honesty, I think the final push for me to get it was to prove to my ex (during the SECOND time we'd broken up) that I could do it, in an effort to get him back. I guess it worked. Please hold your comments, since we all know how that turned out. Anyway, I'd put it off for years (there's that procrastination again), mostly because I couldn't afford driver's ed, or a car, and quite frankly, I was scared shitless to get behind the wheel of a 3 tonne death machine. But I did it none the less and have since discovered that I frigging love to drive. Seriously. I love to drive. But sadly, the bi-product of someone who loves to drive and is perpetually late is a person who drives WAY too fast.

I come by it honestly. My father dives fast, much to the frustration of my mother. He drives fast, unless I want him to. And then he drives like a damn old lady. But that is neither here nor there. My mother doesn't drive, and since I got my licence in my late 20's, my father had to drive me around for a very long time. Ergo, he was my main driving role model. So I drive fast. I should probably have taken it as a sign though, that even my DAD comments on my lead foot. I am proud to say, however, that I pay a lot more attention than he does. He tends to take in the scenery when he drives. I pay closer attention to the road. 

Now, when I'm NOT running late (which, admittedly isn't very often), I usually only go a bit over the speed limit. Unfortunately, that's never when I get caught. And yes, I have gotten caught more than once. Twice, to be precise. Twice in the four years I've had my licence. I've been fortunate enough to have kindly police officers who have given me a lower ticket than I should have gotten, but still, I work hard for my money and hate giving it away as penance for my stupidity. And so it was, after my second speeding ticket, that I decided to stop rushing through life. And my plan is to extend it beyond just my driving.

Little Lisa came into the world 18 days past her due date. And as my mom says, I've been late ever since. So really, it's not my fault. But I am the one who has to deal with the consequences. I hate that I'm always late, and although a little part of me is convinced that there are some mysterious forces in the universe that conspire against me to make me late, I am deciding to make a change in my behaviour. I'm tired of making people wait for me. I'm tired of being the last one to arrive. And I'm tired of being the one everyone expects to be late. It makes me feel bad. It makes me feel disrespectful to the people I love the most. It makes me look unprofessional. And it makes me feel like I'm always in a rush. No one wants to rush their life away.

And so, I'm adding a new item to my list. It'll be one of the most difficult things I've ever put on there. I am going to stop being late all the time. I want my punctuality to be the rule, not the exception. And as a result of this, I am hoping I no longer feel the need to speed. If I take more time to get things done, maybe I'll enjoy them, and my life more.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Hello Blog Post, My Old Friend

Oh hey there! I didn't see you come in. Have a seat. How have you been? We haven't seen you in a while.

Because I am just awful at blogging.

Not really. I'm just not able to dedicate my attention to all the things I want to do. Last year when I should have been blogging I was crocheting and crafting my bloody FINGERS off because I started a Facebook page to sell stuff. And I did pretty well. I've bought about 90% of my Christmas presents for the last 2 years  with proceeds from the page. I also majorly failed my reading challenge for 2014, reading only 15 of the 50 books I had HOPED to read, AND I pretty much stopped preparing meals at home, causing me to gain some weight and lose more money than I would have liked. I guess I had a bit of an off year all around. 

There were some successes though. I got a new car. I went on multiple dates. I was promoted at work. My sister got engaged and asked me to be her Maid of Honour. I laughed a lot and strengthened many friendships. And I feel like I became a lot better at not letting disappointment and frustration turn me into a negative person.

Typically I like to start my lists of goals on my birthday, but that's six months away and I feel like it's time to jump start myself now. So I'll make a shorter list that I can complete in the next six months, and then on my 32nd (ugggg) birthday I'll make a new big list. Some of the list items will be new. Some of the list items will be brought back from my abysmal 2nd year list. I shit the bed on that one big time. And I'm going to go back and write posts for the items I WAS able to complete from year 2. Lots of fun posts should come out of that!

And so here is my list for the next six months. Wish me luck!

1. Make at Least 3 More Pieces of Clothing: This was on year two's list. And I still want to do it! There are 2 pieces in particular I am looking forward to making.

2. Make My Own Ice Cream: Because I love ice cream and it sounds fun.

3. Get in Better Shape: Because sometimes the stairs leave me winded. Not. Cool.

4. Be a Kick-Ass Maid of Honour: I guess my sister will be the ultimate judge of this one. 

5. Go Skating: Hopefully I won't break my ass in the process. 

6. Cook Meals at Home as Much as Possible: That's just common sense.

7. Start an RRSP: Because I need to retire some day and don't want to end up living in a tent eating cat food.

8. Expand My Product Line and Build Up Stock: I planned to do this during my off season last year. But...I suck.

9. Build Up My Savings: Even with wedding expenses, I know I can do this!

10. Cook and Eat a Turducken: Because it sounds friggin' bad-ass.

11. Stop Being Late All the Time: Self explanatory.

And so there it is. I've really missed my list and blogging about it. It's not so much that I need the LIST, it's just that I find it so motivating and it helps remind me to always keep growing and challenging myself to do new and different things. I can't wait to see how it goes!