Thursday, February 4, 2016

All Points Bulletin!!

It's time to make some changes. Specifically, to my list. List item #6 in particular. Originally, I had planned on attempting to go on a date with someone I did NOT meet online. That was then. This is now. I have decided that instead of going out looking for love, I am going to let love come to me. It's hard to keep putting yourself out there and having things not work out. So I'm not going to. 

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not giving up on love. I still very much want to share my life with someone and give them all the love I have to give, which is a lot. But it's time to let things happen naturally. Love will come my way, I'm sure of it. They say when you stop looking for love, you find it. Time for the ever-present, yet oh, so mysterious "they" to prove it. 

Since I have to replace any item I remove from the list, I have decided to add "De-cluttering un-needed items from my life". I have WAY too much shit.

And now to make myself accountable for what I've been doing so far. The turducken is complete. That's one. I am still working on items 9 and 10 (Stop picking my cuticles and Get better at getting up in the morning), with varying degrees of success. I've only given away 50 cents so far, but my friends are not doing a very good job at catching me, if I'm being honest (sorry guys!). I've made myself more aware of it and am stopping MYSELF from time to time, and my fingers look better (ie. less bloody), but I've picked everyday so far, so that manicure I promised myself after 2 weeks of no picking is looking like a very faint glimmer in my distant future. And the morning thing....still a crap storm of nope.

I've also gotten some information on the fencing classes, so they should hopefully be starting up soon. Yeah. Imma look like Inigo. I'm also planning to start sewing again, and now that I'm only about 12 pounds from my final goal weight I think I can make some clothes that will fit me, so a bright, shiny new piece of clothing should be coming soon.

So now you know what to look for in my upcoming posts. And hopefully you'll see a picture of my pretty, manicured hands in about 2 weeks. Pray for me...