Saturday, March 30, 2013

My Whovian Adventure Part 4

Ok, so I felt like it took FOREVER to get through these episodes, and it was a real challenge at times to push through. I think I've said that about all of the Doctors so far...

Having said that, I'd like to clarify a few things. I was not a fan of these episodes as a whole, but I actually really liked the Third Doctor himself. I just feel like he got a really raw deal from a subject matter standpoint. 

The Third Doctor was played by Jon Pertwee. He is most known for his over the top wardrobe and his incredibly tall, silver hair. As he takes over, the Doctor has been captured and put on trial by his own people, the Gallifreyans, for stealing the TARDIS and interfering with the lives of, well, basically everyone he meets. So, as punishment he is banished to Earth with his TARDIS, but without the knowledge to use it properly. And let me tell you, this leads to a couple of very. Boring. Seasons. Until he figures out how to use the TARDIS, at which point it gets better. Worth noting is that Doctor Who is now broadcast in colour (with the exception of a few episodes), and there are no more missing episodes (Hallelujah!!).

As you can imagine, the episodes without space travel weren't very interesting. They ended up kind of stuck with the fact that they'd have to write and AWFUL lot of alien invasion of Earth stories. The writers did seem to branch out a bit with their creatures, although sadly, the technology of the 70's wasn't quite efficient enough to make the creatures look less pathetic. But more on that later. Also, they broke from the typical pattern of companions, so instead of having a male and a female companion accompany the Doctor on his adventures, he had a series of three female assistants, and UNIT, a military team that dealt with pretty much everything you can imagine. Although it is an entire military operation, there are only three members that are really worth mentioning.

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewert is the leader of UNIT. We met him in the Second Doctor era, when he was still Colonel Lethbridge-Stewert. He's your typical straight-laced military type, but he does have a sense of humour and sticks by the Doctor even in dangerous situations.

Benton is a stand-up guy with a rather pronounced unibrow. He is easy going but dedicated to his job, and to the Doctor. On one particular occasion he allows the Doctor to knock him out so that the Doctor can escape custody to save the day. I liked Benton.

Mike Yates is probably the least formal of the UNIT agents. We usually see him out of uniform, taking one of the girls out on the town. All in all he is a pretty good guy, but he does stray a bit. At one point he is in cahoots with the bad guys, although he thinks what he's doing is what's best for everyone. Poor, delusional Yates.

 Dr. Liz Shaw was a UNIT doctor who was assigned to help the Doctor with his experiments etc. I wasn't a huge fan of her. She had weird hair, really annoying mascara application techniques and a bit of a snooty attitude. I wasn't overly sad when she made a rather hasty exit, heading to a new job I believe.

Jo Grant was next. I'm not exactly sure what her role in UNIT was before she was the Doctor's assistant, but she did a pretty good job. She was innocent and fun, but not a wilting flower who screamed a lot and always needed saving, a la many of the earlier companions. I liked her a lot, although I was a bit surprised when I found some pictures of her posing naked with a Dalek during my image search for the blog. Jo stayed with the Doctor until she met a scientist and fell in love, at which point they moved to South America to study fungus. Very important research.

The final companion was Sarah Jane Smith, one of the most well known of the companions. She was a journalist who came to write a story and ended up accompanying the Doctor on his adventures. She continues on into the Fourth Doctor years, and makes a reappearance in the newer episodes of Doctor Who. She also gets her own spinoff later on.

Here are the top 5 things, again, in no particular order, that stuck out to me about the Third Doctor years.

Silurian. Attractive, huh?
1. Odd Sound Choices; I've already commented on creature voices, but seriously, who chose these things? In the first episode if the Third Doctor, there is a creature who wanders around, apparently while holding a microphone inside his mouth. All you hear for about 5 minutes is some very loud mouth breathing. Then in later episodes we meet Alpha Centuari (who you'll see in a minute). I thought it was a girl for the first series it appeared in, based on the voice, but found out later that it was in fact a male. Then there are the Silurians, reptilian creatures with squeaky voices and oddly shaky heads. The sound department on this show must have been high during decision making time.

2. Autons; These things are creepy with a capital C. Mannequins who come to life and have guns in their hands. I'm not entirely sure why the Autons bothered me so much, but I swear, they haunt my dreams!

3. Defeating Daleks; So, the Daleks are one of the Doctor's major enemies, and I love them for their Dalekness, but really, why is everyone so afraid of them? Sure, they have lasers, but they have no arms or mouths, are very bulky and aren't particularly fast. Seems to me the best way to defeat them is just to go upstairs. Daleks can't climb stairs. Or jump. Or see behind them. In one episode, the Doctor and his friends literally stop the Daleks by throwing a blanket over their heads and pushing them into a lake of freezing water. Not all that complicated.

 4. Creatures; They tried. They really did. They were a lot more creative, but still, the creatures were absolutely ridiculous most of the time. I guess that's part of the charm. Some gems are pictured here, but also worth mentioning is the remarkably small pterodactyl that attacks the Doctor in a broom closet and an over sized fly that attacks UNIT, both of which are very visibly controlled by strings. Just close your eyes and imagine. Here are some others;

Stowaways who appear to be wearing Froot Loops.
Zombie-werewolf thing

Good old Alpha Centauri.

                    How's that for green screen? Also, some very fake gun shooting takes place here. Rather tame looking T-Rex, if you ask me.

5. The Doctor's Wardrobe; I mentioned this in my post on the Second Doctor as well, but the Third Doctor had a style all his own. I don't know how he did all the things he did while wearing what he wore. Seriously, dude wore a lot of velvet and ruffles. A LOT.

I did have a few favourites series, but not many. I liked 'The Green Death', which was Jo's last series, and also 'The Three Doctors', but that was mostly only because the Second Doctor was back. So, basically, I liked the Third Doctor as a Doctor, but I didn't like the story lines or man of the supporting characters they gave him. So far the Fourth Doctor seems pretty goofy, so I think I'm going to like him :-)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

How to Build a Bridge

I've been in a bit of a funk lately. Nothing too major, just not feeling like my most excellent self. I am midway through several list items at the moment, but none are complete yet, which makes me a bit nervous about my ability to complete all 29 before my birthday. In addition, I admit to being extremely lazy and horribly lacking in self discipline recently, which has resulted in me getting up very late in the mornings, without time to make a breakfast smoothie, do my hair or wear nice clothes, so I've been going to work looking like a bum 9 days out of 10. And my meal planning has fallen by the wayside and I'm tired of eating re-heated frozen meals, and I don't want to make lunches which means I've been eating absolute crap, aka fast food, which has not only caused me to gain weight and feel like crap, but it's also not very financially responsible of me. I've also received several pieces of information about friends lately that, although exciting and well deserved etc, have put my own life into rather harsh perspective. So in addition to the traditional 'Sunday Blues' (a term coined by a friend of mine), I was feeling a bit mopey about life in general. 

But, in a drastic change from how I would have reacted a few months ago (cry, complain and binge eat more junk food), I decided to build a bridge and get over it (a life lesson from another friend). No one can make my life different but me, so I have to do what I have to do. 

Now, I've been plugging away merrily at my list items, but for the most part I've been focusing on the more superficial, easier items. Yes, I now own a piece of yellow clothing, can cook a steak and have watched all 8 Harry Potter movies in one weekend, but I haven't actually done anything that will improve my overall quality of life. So I'm going to do a bit of a recap here, just to see where I'm at and to focus on a few that will be more challenging, but more important in the long run.

  1. Become Financially Mature; This is a big one. I've gotten a good start, but I really have to start leaving the damn Mastercard at home. And actually STICKING to my budget.
  2. Treego; Planning to do this when my sister and her boyfriend visit in June.
  3. Learn to Play a Musical Instrument; I actually OWN the instrument now, so as soon as I learn a few songs I'll do a post.
  4. Move Out of my Parents' Spare Bedroom; DONE!
  5. Cook a Beef Wellington; Doing this next weekend.
  6. See Every Movie I Want to See in Theatres; Ok, so I'm modifying this one a bit. The main goal of this was to stop waiting for other people to go with me, and get back into doing something I love. I'm well on my way, but I won't cross it off til the end of the Project.
  7. See the Calgary Stampede; Booking my ticket to Calgary as soon as I find a seat sale.
  8. Sleep Under the Stars; DONE!
  9. Yoga; Yeah, I really need to get on this one. It'll make me feel better.
  10. Go to a Movie by Myself; DONE!
  11. Find a Piece of Yellow Clothing That Suits Me; DONE!
  12. Help Mom Organize Her Craft Room; DONE!
  13. Take a Photography Class; Not sure what to do about this. I'd need a new camera..
  14. Investigate a Masters Degree; Another major one. I started briefly tonight.
  15. Make a Piece of Pottery; In progress!! Pottery classes are on Thursdays, but I'm not crossing it off til class ends in April.
  16. Harry Potter Movie Marathon; DONE!
  17. Learn to Cook a Steak; DONE!
  18. Hike in the Mountains; See Number 7.
  19. Finish Making a Piece of Clothing; DONE!
  20. Take a Solo Mini-Vacation; Now that I'm not going to NYC I feel less guilty about this one.
  21. Help Mom and Dad Clean Out the Basement; DONE!
  22. Have Professional Photos Taken of Myself; Once the weather gets nicer (and I look less like death), I'm going to do it!
  23. Get a Tattoo; As soon as winter/dry skin season ends.
  24. Watch 'Dr. Who' From the Beginning (1963); 2 of 11 Doctors are done. I'm having a hard time with the 3rd. Kind of a dull era so far.
  25. Plant and Take Care of a Big Garden; The yard looks like shit right now, but once it's less muddy cleanup will begin. I'll also be starting to plant indoors soon.
  26. Dance More; Working on this one. I bought 'Just Dance' 3 and 4 for my Xbox and have been using them here and there. I need to do it more frequently though.
  27. Hand-make as Many Gifts as Possible; DONE!
  28. Drink More Water; I'm getting better with this. I definitely have to cut out pop again though.
  29. Go on a Date; I will be signing up for Plenty of Fish again tomorrow. Here's hoping!

Ok, so that was a good idea, because I feel much better about everything! I at least have a plan for every item, and I think if I seriously work on 9, 14, 26, 28 and 29 I can change the way I've been feeling lately. I also really want to start running for some reason. I've never wanted to run before, so I'm a little shocked, but I think it'll be good for me and will help me prepare for my hike in the mountains in July. Alright, plan formulated. Time to put it into action, starting tomorrow morning, by getting up early enough to actually have time to get ready. Completely ready, without rushing. Here we go!  


Sunday, March 10, 2013

There's No Place Like Home

Ok, so I know I finished the basement a long time ago and crossed it off the list, but I haven't written the post for it yet. Mostly because I'm lazy and can't take pictures of a dirty apartment. But, here it is. Better late than never. Some of you have already seen it, or parts of it, but now you'll get to see it clean and all finished (with the minor exception of the bathroom taps, which WERE there until last week and will be back within the next 10 days. I hope).

Before I start a project of any kind, or even before I go shopping, I tend to to picture what I want in my head. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing. Seeing it in my head makes it seem more real, but it does tend to lead to disappointment when things don't turn out the way I imagined them. This is why I gave up drawing as a child; my vision usually exceeded my skill level.  It's also why I have a relatively small wardrobe. I rarely go shopping without knowing EXACTLY what I'm looking for and rarely does my mental picture exist in retail stores. It's one reason I've started sewing more.

The one thing that has been clear to me since we started the whole basement renovation process was what it would look like when it was done. I chose my colours very early on and knew exactly where I wanted my furniture (even though I didn't OWN a lot of it at the time). Even though it was clear to me, I had a really hard time explaining it to other people. My parents protested the gray paint, my best friend questioned my design plans (although for a while there I definitely did overuse the word 'kitschy') and most people I talked to about it (including the ones at the paint store) thought my paint choice was a bad decision for a basement apartment. But I stuck to my guns and I couldn't be happier.

The only thing that proved challenging was fitting in all the furniture. I ended up with several extra pieces of furniture that my mother didn't have room for in the rest of the house, but I eventually managed to work them all into my design, including an antique crib, aka orphan piece number 1. Yes, a crib. Not the easiest piece of furniture for a single girl back on the dating scene to explain to people, but it's now residing in the living room, turned into a very handy storage place and much loved bed for Diggory. My entertainment and reading corners ended up switched around because the wall unit (orphan piece number 2) my mother was sending down to me was too tall to fit where I originally planned it (the ceilings were 7 feet there vs 7 and a half feet where it eventually ended up). That measuring tape was both my greatest ally and my worst enemy, crushing dreams as it went, saving me from later frustration, and giving me time to mentally rearrange things.The couch, love seat and TV didn't end up where I wanted them (the couch stuck out more than I'd imagined), but I now prefer the way they are to what I had designed in the first place. 

My parents have since admitted that the gray looks good, or, in typical fashion, said it "Doesn't look as bad as I thought it would", which is pretty much a glowing recommendation from them. It's a definite step up from "Mmm hmm" which means they tolerate it. So here it is. I'm going to put before and after pictures when I have them so you can see how far it's come.

These first few are from the living room. The woodstove IS in that first picture, it's just hidden behind wood and lamps.

Where all those boxes of dolls used to be is now where my couch and TV sit.





And now into the kitchen.

After. Also, same table.


That's all I have for before and after pictures. Here are some others.

I used my movie shelves and a cabinet in the kitchen to separate the two rooms. I also painted the deacon's bench (bottom behind the couch) to match my entertainment stand and I use it to store blankets. Storage was a big issue. There are things stored in the wall unit (big bookshelf), in and under the crib, in 2 footstools beside the deacon's bench and in the dead space between the wood stove and the movie shelves.

Here's my entryway. I didn't have room in my bedroom for both of my nightstands, so I used one here in the living room to fill some empty space by the door. The painting on the wall above it was done by my grandmother when she was young. Painting the doors and all the window frames made it even brighter down here.

Here's one of my beloved stained glass windows. On the wall is a circular mosaic mirror I bought in St. Andrews. After drooling over it for a couple of years I finally broke down and bought it. The fact that it was 20% off and that the store was going out of business didn't hurt. The piece of furniture with my coats on it is another leftover (orphan piece number 3) that my mother wanted to keep but didn't have room for. It still needs a bit of TLC.

This is where I spend most of my time. This couch and loveseat are the most comfortable pieces of furniture ever created. Don't sit on them if you're tired or you WILL fall asleep. They also have nice wide arms which make great seats for visiting friends or extra large cats (like mine). I made the curtains (which you can't really see) and beside the entertainment stand I have an old furnace that I always gravitated toward as a child.

 Here's more of my kitchen. Storage was tricky here too, so the cabinet (orphan piece number 4) is packed to the brim, the drawer bin is full, some infrequently used things are in the wall unit in the living room, and the microwave table has things stored in and under it.
 I'm hoping to get a curtain or something to cover my food shelf. Not very attractive. The mini fridge is working pretty well. I do have a second (much older) one behind that door where I store things short term (like things to put in the slow cooker in the mornings), and I freeze almost all of my leftovers right away so they don't take up space in the fridge.

 On to the bathroom/kitchen sink/broom closet! Here you will see orphan item number 5, which I use to store my towels. This is where a shower or small tub may eventually go. I can dream...
I have recently fallen in love with yellow and used a lot of it in here. I painted the medicine chest bright yellow and the table (which you'll see in a couple of pictures down) with spray paint, and then whipped that canvas up in just a few minutes after seeing it on Pinterest one night. Please disregard the lack of taps. I am currently without them and as such carry my dishes upstairs, water downstairs and wash my hands in the washing machine. Thug life!

Here's a picture of some art my cousin made me. It's a tye dye fish and I love it. Her twin sister painted me one of flowers which I also love and put in the living room on the table by the door.
 Here's the table I was talking about. I also painted that canvas. I free styled it and it's about as artistic as I get. I made the curtain as well. All the yellow things I bought matched really well even though I got them all at different times and different places. Sorry the pictures are cramped. It's not a very big room.

This is my bedroom. Sorry this picture is a bit dark. There are MANY Pinterest projects in this room. You can't see it, but I covered the box spring with fabric which I saw on Pinterest. The window blind is another project, but I consider it a bit of a fail. I always make sure it's open when people come over because the fabric was too thin and when it's pulled down you can see the glue through the fabric and it kind of flops around.

 The canvas on the wall was a Pinterest project, but it was more trouble than I had expected. It says 'The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return', which is a quote from 'Moulin Rouge'. You're supposed to put stickers on a canvas, paint over it and then peel off the stickers. Well, nice alphabet stickers are hard to find. These ones were puffy and hard to paint around, and then they stuck to the canvas and I had to scrape them off and paint over the residue they left behind. But I like the finished project none the less. I love my room.
 This is something that needs to be completed. I had some paint leftover from the desk and night table reno, and I planned on using that to paint the wardrobe, but it dried out and I haven't bought new paint yet. It'll be quite a process when I do because it's wedged in there pretty tight and is extremely heavy once my clothes get in there. Maybe a summer project.
I couldn't believe I fit all my clothes into this tiny dresser and the drawers beside it. Even with a lot of stuff in the closet I didn't think it was going to happen, but it all fit.
My wonderful headboard is another Pinterest treasure. It makes me feel like a grown up to sleep in my own bed, the first one I've ever slept in that was totally my own, with a headboard that I made. With help from my

So that is my home. It's not big, but it's just right for me and Diggory. It feels like me, filled with the things and colours I love, and when I look back on what it used to look like I'm still amazed at the difference.