Sunday, March 17, 2013

How to Build a Bridge

I've been in a bit of a funk lately. Nothing too major, just not feeling like my most excellent self. I am midway through several list items at the moment, but none are complete yet, which makes me a bit nervous about my ability to complete all 29 before my birthday. In addition, I admit to being extremely lazy and horribly lacking in self discipline recently, which has resulted in me getting up very late in the mornings, without time to make a breakfast smoothie, do my hair or wear nice clothes, so I've been going to work looking like a bum 9 days out of 10. And my meal planning has fallen by the wayside and I'm tired of eating re-heated frozen meals, and I don't want to make lunches which means I've been eating absolute crap, aka fast food, which has not only caused me to gain weight and feel like crap, but it's also not very financially responsible of me. I've also received several pieces of information about friends lately that, although exciting and well deserved etc, have put my own life into rather harsh perspective. So in addition to the traditional 'Sunday Blues' (a term coined by a friend of mine), I was feeling a bit mopey about life in general. 

But, in a drastic change from how I would have reacted a few months ago (cry, complain and binge eat more junk food), I decided to build a bridge and get over it (a life lesson from another friend). No one can make my life different but me, so I have to do what I have to do. 

Now, I've been plugging away merrily at my list items, but for the most part I've been focusing on the more superficial, easier items. Yes, I now own a piece of yellow clothing, can cook a steak and have watched all 8 Harry Potter movies in one weekend, but I haven't actually done anything that will improve my overall quality of life. So I'm going to do a bit of a recap here, just to see where I'm at and to focus on a few that will be more challenging, but more important in the long run.

  1. Become Financially Mature; This is a big one. I've gotten a good start, but I really have to start leaving the damn Mastercard at home. And actually STICKING to my budget.
  2. Treego; Planning to do this when my sister and her boyfriend visit in June.
  3. Learn to Play a Musical Instrument; I actually OWN the instrument now, so as soon as I learn a few songs I'll do a post.
  4. Move Out of my Parents' Spare Bedroom; DONE!
  5. Cook a Beef Wellington; Doing this next weekend.
  6. See Every Movie I Want to See in Theatres; Ok, so I'm modifying this one a bit. The main goal of this was to stop waiting for other people to go with me, and get back into doing something I love. I'm well on my way, but I won't cross it off til the end of the Project.
  7. See the Calgary Stampede; Booking my ticket to Calgary as soon as I find a seat sale.
  8. Sleep Under the Stars; DONE!
  9. Yoga; Yeah, I really need to get on this one. It'll make me feel better.
  10. Go to a Movie by Myself; DONE!
  11. Find a Piece of Yellow Clothing That Suits Me; DONE!
  12. Help Mom Organize Her Craft Room; DONE!
  13. Take a Photography Class; Not sure what to do about this. I'd need a new camera..
  14. Investigate a Masters Degree; Another major one. I started briefly tonight.
  15. Make a Piece of Pottery; In progress!! Pottery classes are on Thursdays, but I'm not crossing it off til class ends in April.
  16. Harry Potter Movie Marathon; DONE!
  17. Learn to Cook a Steak; DONE!
  18. Hike in the Mountains; See Number 7.
  19. Finish Making a Piece of Clothing; DONE!
  20. Take a Solo Mini-Vacation; Now that I'm not going to NYC I feel less guilty about this one.
  21. Help Mom and Dad Clean Out the Basement; DONE!
  22. Have Professional Photos Taken of Myself; Once the weather gets nicer (and I look less like death), I'm going to do it!
  23. Get a Tattoo; As soon as winter/dry skin season ends.
  24. Watch 'Dr. Who' From the Beginning (1963); 2 of 11 Doctors are done. I'm having a hard time with the 3rd. Kind of a dull era so far.
  25. Plant and Take Care of a Big Garden; The yard looks like shit right now, but once it's less muddy cleanup will begin. I'll also be starting to plant indoors soon.
  26. Dance More; Working on this one. I bought 'Just Dance' 3 and 4 for my Xbox and have been using them here and there. I need to do it more frequently though.
  27. Hand-make as Many Gifts as Possible; DONE!
  28. Drink More Water; I'm getting better with this. I definitely have to cut out pop again though.
  29. Go on a Date; I will be signing up for Plenty of Fish again tomorrow. Here's hoping!

Ok, so that was a good idea, because I feel much better about everything! I at least have a plan for every item, and I think if I seriously work on 9, 14, 26, 28 and 29 I can change the way I've been feeling lately. I also really want to start running for some reason. I've never wanted to run before, so I'm a little shocked, but I think it'll be good for me and will help me prepare for my hike in the mountains in July. Alright, plan formulated. Time to put it into action, starting tomorrow morning, by getting up early enough to actually have time to get ready. Completely ready, without rushing. Here we go!  


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