Saturday, August 24, 2013

With a Song in My Heart

I have never really been musically inclined. I love music and singing, but I'm not a fantastic singer and, sadly, I have never been able to play an instrument. My dad, most of my uncles and several cousins play multiple instruments but the best I've been able to do was the recorder in elementary school. I've tried several instruments since, but I haven't gotten the hang of any of them.

When it came time to cross this item off the list I took some time to seriously think about what kind of instrument I could realistically learn to play that wouldn't cost me too much. After watching some Youtube videos I developed an interest in the glockenspiel, which is basically a metal xylophone. After price checking around I found a good one and my parents bought it for me as an early birthday present.

Finding sheet music proved to be a challenge. There didn't seem to be anything online specifically designed for glockenspiels, but I found a few I thought I might try. I'm not very good at reading music, however, so I mostly just ended up playing by ear. I fiddle around with it from time to time, but I can really only play one song. And here it is.

Other than that all I can really do is play the scales. Which sounds kind of nice. So I'll show you that too. Please ignore the weird face I'm making.

Have I discovered a new career? No. Will the national glockenspiel players society be knocking on my door any time soon? Absolutely not. But I've found out that it's a lot of fun to play, so I'll keep at it, and who knows? Maybe I'll be rocking out before you know it.

Oh, and just because I thought it was funny, here's my blooper reel.

Attempt one at my song;


And yes, I somehow managed to screw up the scales. Although I swear there was something weird with that key...

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