Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Valancy Stirling Project Year Two

I survived The Valancy Stirling Project, and my 30th birthday and here I am on the other side. So far my 30s have been great. I don't think I've ever been more comfortable with myself or happy with the way my life is heading. I still have lots to improve on and lots of goals to achieve, so I've decided to make another list for this year to help me do that.

Ok, so admittedly this is very late. Year one ended in July and I am just now getting to my list for year two? Yes. Life has been crazy. I'm very sorry. This post won't be very long, just a quick note to let you know what I plan to do this year. Some of it I've already done, some will be done soon, and some will be projects for over the next year. So, here it is, The Valancy Stirling Project, Year Two.

1. See One of My Bucket List Musical Acts in Concert: There are few acts that I want to see before I (or they) die; Phil Collins, Lady Gaga, Mumford and Sons and the Goo Goo Dolls. Read the post to see which one I saw!

2. Make My Own Ketchup: Inspired by one of my favourite movies, "Meet Me in St. Louis", I have been wanting to do this for years.

3. Meet One of the Twelve Doctors: Only a week from now, and this will be complete!

4. Sell Some Handmade Items: Who wouldn't want a bit of extra income?

5. Make My Own Ice Cream: I don't have an ice cream maker, so we'll see if it'll be better with or without one. 

6. Make at Least 3 More Pieces of Clothing: I have patterns and fabric galore. Now to do something with it...

7. Complete My Reading Challenge for 2013: I already had to reduce it from 55 to 50, and I'm still 4 books behind. MUST complete this.

8. Help My Mother Clean Out the Attic: Remember last year when we did the craft room and the basement? Yeah, that all happened because we started cleaning out the attic. And we haven't finished it yet...

9. See a Movie in IMAX: Soon!!

10. Get in Better Shape: Not necessarily to lose weight, just to be healthier. If I lose weight in the process, I won't complain :-)

11. Continue to Nurture My Doctor Who Obsession: Because that's what it is now; an obsession. Lots of great events coming up to help this along, and you'll get to hear about them all!!

12. Go Skating: I suck at skating and I haven't done it in a long time so I'd like to get out this year at least once.

13. Take Time to Actually Enjoy Christmas: Last year was so rushed that it felt like it was over before it began. 

14. Do Treego Again: Maybe try the Moncton course this time.

15. Cook Meals at Home as Much as Possible: This will help me save money and eat healthier. Time management will become more important though.

16. Cook and Eat a Turducken: This has intrigued me since the first time I heard about it about 10 years ago. I am going to make one!

And so that's my list! It's shorter than last year, and things aren't quite as big, but they're things that will help me as I continue down this road of living my life to the fullest. I'm sure I'll have more great things happen throughout the year that I will write about, but this is my start. Here's hoping I can escape The Curse of the Even Numbered Year that has plagued me for the last 13 years. More explanation on that later. Happy reading!!

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