Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Seeing the Forest Through the Christmas Trees

I got some news today. It's news I've been expecting, but having it confirmed 4 days before Christmas was not in the plan. It means big changes for me at work. Me and everyone else who works there. I'm still processing it and I'm not really sure how I feel about it. It could be good, it could be bad. Only time will tell. All I know is that it made me think about how I let things affect me. And it made me feel like I needed to write it down and share it. I have a very good friend who has been doing something similar and it has helped me realize the healing power of words. So here I go.

For the last 6 months I have been struggling with choices in regards to my career. I haven't been happy where I am and have been doing what I can to change that. I haven't been as successful as I would have liked, but the fact that I'm trying encourages me. I have an amazing support system of co-workers, friends and family who have helped me find out what I want and have steered me in the right direction. They've pushed me to do things that scare me and put in hours of legwork and listening to help me get to where I am today. I am so thankful for them and am going to push forward in a positive way, because they have encouraged me and I refuse to let them, and myself, down. 

In an effort to reset my brain and put myself in a positive head space I have taken a 2 week vacation from work. I am avoiding all things work related so that I can spend my holidays enjoying those around me, and go back to work refreshed in the new year. Receiving this news today derailed that for a bit. I talked to some of my most trusted (and logical) people, who pointed out that this is likely to be a very good change. So that's how I'm going to go forward. Yes, it will be sad to see things change, but I refuse to let this bring me down. I refuse to let anything that I can't change bring me down anymore. If I don't like something, and I can't change it, I am going to do everything I can to put myself in a situation that I CAN control. 

This is the end of the year. A time to leave behind all the negativity and issues of the last 12 months and move forward positively. I've seen a lot of posts and comments about leaving 2016 behind because it was such a horrible year. I used to do the same thing. For years I have lived in dread of even numbered years, because bad things tended to happen to me in even numbered years. The death of my grandmother and others close to me. The ending of multiple long term friendships. Being dumped. 3 times. By the same person. I would spend so much time focusing on how horrible these events had made the entire year. And by doing that I trivialized the countless amazing things that had happened in those same years. As 2016 approached I decided that I wasn't going to do that anymore. And I didn't. Just as one bad moment doesn't make a whole day bad, one bad day or event doesn't make the whole year bad. I know that some of the people in my life have had awful things happen to them this year, some of the worst things that can happen to someone. But I can guarantee that there were also millions of tiny amazing moments in that same year. Moments with loved ones. Children's first words, or steps, or report cards. Finding love with someone who understands you and pushes you to be the best version of yourself. Accomplishing a goal, finishing a course, overcoming something that challenged you. New beginnings, new houses, new jobs. Reuniting with lost loved ones, making new friends. Learning to cook a new meal. Running your first race, trying a new hobby. So many incredible moments that would be lost if you chalked 2016 up to being a "bad year" because of one event. 

And so, as 2016 comes to a close and 2017 begins, I will say now, that 2017 will bring big changes for me. I am going to continue to take charge of my life and not play the victim. And if something bad happens this year, I will grieve it and then move forward. I will not allow it to rob me of the enjoyment I get from time with my loved ones. All those precious little munchkins in my life will do incredible things, and I will enjoy every one of them. My friends and I will laugh and hug and do crazy things. And I will embrace those things. My family and I will get together and talk about funny memories, and make new ones. And I will participate joyfully in that. My career will improve, one way or another, and I will take advantage of opportunities that come my way. 

Christmas has always been my favourite time of year. My shopping list includes 30 people and while others may feel stressed at that and at the amount of money that entails, I count myself extremely fortunate to have 30 people in my life that are so important to me that I include them on my gift list every Christmas. Not everyone is so fortunate. I have a comfortable home. Food on the table. People who love me. A job that changes lives. So many blessings that seem especially visible at this time of year. And saying that this has been a horrible year would diminish all the amazing things that these blessings have given me. And I will NOT diminish their importance like that. I hope you are all able to do the same. And if you aren't, let me know, and I will help you see all the beauty around you. In even the most unexpected places. 

Merry Christmas to you all and may your 2017 be outstanding, no matter what.

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