Monday, November 19, 2012

Two Steps Forward...One Slight Step Back

I've been on a bit of a roller-coaster lately. At work and at home I feel like I'm constantly headed in about 6 different directions at the same time. I have a lot of projects on the go, and although I have finished another list item (yay!) I sometimes feel like I will never get these things done. And I haven't even begun to tell you about the emotional powder keg that erupted in me this past weekend.

On Saturday I went to the local Christmas craft sale. I had been looking forward to it since fall arrived. I go with my parents every year and it's a tradition that to me always seems to usher in the Christmas season. As I walked through the crowded aisles I could feel my jaw start to clench. My palms felt sweaty and the look on my face was enough to scare away small children. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was a bit cranky (who, me??) before I'd even arrived, or with the fact that there were hundreds of people there, and lets face it, some people have horrible manners. But mostly I think it was just the realization that this Christmas will be a very different Christmas than any I've had in a long time. It was a really weird, and unexpectedly emotional experience. 

It seemed like everywhere I turned I saw reminders of the life I used to live. There were couples my age everywhere, pregnant women everywhere. Add to this the fact that as I headed toward the sale I saw a guy I had a brief flirtation and one date with seven and a half years ago, before I decided he wasn't ready for the kind of relationship I was looking for. Yet here he was, walking down the hall with a woman and a little girl, holding her hand and laughing. Guess I bet on the wrong horse. Granted it could have been his sister and niece, but I doubt it. I also ran into my prom date and his long time girlfriend. Hooray for me.

Since I've now been single for 9 months and have accepted and moved on from all my feelings of sadness and disappointment etc, I really didn't expect to feel the way I did. I outright ignored people offering me samples from booths where I used to stop and buy things for my ex. The booth selling dog treats nearly pushed me over the edge. I found myself rushing through the exhibits, praying I'd reach the end soon, all the while trying not to make it look too obvious to my family. When we finally left I felt better, but it still made me think a lot about the fact that this will be my first Christmas without my ex since 2004. 

Sure, I can do this!

I DID feel slightly guilty, however, for lying to the man selling antique dishes when he asked me if I planned on using the forks I bought from him for making jewellery and I said no. I'm totally making jewellery out it them.

Smile ladies! $5.99 each!

I went shopping with Mom after the craft sale and look who we found at Value Village!

 Basement renovations are coming along! 11 days til moving day and I do feel a bit like I'm running up the down escalator. Here's some pictures of the progress!

Before clean-up tonight
My pile of furniture to be painted. Yikes

After clean-up!

Still stuck with a piano...

I'll give you a sneak peek of the paint colour. It will not be, as my father fears (and in his words), "goth", but will be accented with creams and light greys and bright, vibrant colours like yellow, green, purple, red,'ll just have to trust me.

My bedroom with primer. Don't mind the gnome.

No more wacky orange paint.


I love the grey. Haters gonna hate.

Last but not least, I have completed list item #12; Help Mom Organize Her Craft Room. Turns out most of that crap WASN'T mine. I needn't have been so hard on myself! Just a reminder of what it looked like when we started;

Where's the floor?!?!?

Absolute chaos. And not the good kind.

So much craft stuff!! My mom has dabbled in just about every type of craft imaginable, and has the leftover supplies to prove it. Here, my friends, is what it looks like now. Please, try to contain your excitement!

The lovely and organized closet

 My mother's sewing machine on my grandmother's antique sewing table

This dresser is entirely full of fabric

THIS dresser is entirely full of yarn

Painting supplies etc.

A cozy place to sit with Mr. Bear

So I have now completed 4 list items, with another 2 to be completed in the next few weeks. I've also been plugging away at several other items, so I'll write another update soon on those ones. Not sure how much time I'll have to write in the next few weeks, but I will do my best. Over and out!!

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