Sunday, April 14, 2013

Well Begun is...Part Way There

Just a lovely little update post because it's Sunday and I feel like writing. I think these update posts are more for me than for you, dear readers, because they lay everything out for me and remind me that I am, in fact, still in the running to finish this project. I have my doubts sometimes. So here we are;

1. Become Financially Mature; I'm back to meal planning, have paid off my parents and have stopped using the credit card. Well, I've been using it, but then I pay off what I charge. I'm working now on consciously sticking to my damn budget. As long as I stay away from Fabricville I should be ok...
2. Treego; I have recruited my sister's boyfriend to be my companion for this item when they come for a visit in June. 
3. Learn to Play a Musical Instrument; I have it. It's set up in my living room, but I don't have any sheet music right now, so I'm working on that. 
4 & 5. DONE!!
6. See Every Movie I Want to See in Theatres; I've learned to distinguish between the movies I want to see and the movies I want to see in theatres, which has really helped. Basically the goal of this was to get back to doing what I love, which I have been. 
7. See the Calgary Stampede; Tickets are booked and my sister and I have been making plans. SOOO EXCITED!
8. DONE!
9. Yoga; Yeeeeeah....not so much. I really have to get going with this.
More like 29 years...

10, 11 & 12. DONE!!!
13. Take a Photography Class; I changed this one for a few reasons. Firstly, my photos aren't THAT bad. They suit their purpose. Secondly, my camera is almost 5 years old. My phone camera has more megapixels than the camera. I can't justify buying a new camera when there is essentially nothing wrong with the one I have, and I think taking a photography class with a cell phone camera would be frowned upon. So instead I will Make My Own Pasta. I've looked up recipes, have a pasta maker and will be attempting it in a couple of weeks.
14. Investigate a Masters Degree; I've kind of done this, but not with any real enthusiasm. I'm having a hard time justifying the cost and effort to get the degree based on the likelihood that actually HAVING a Masters degree will do me any good in my career. I'm still not convinced the BA has done me much good.
15. Make a Piece of Pottery; This is technically done, but I'm not crossing it off until my class finishes and I have all my pieces. Only 2 more classes left, so expect it pretty soon.
16 & 17. DONE!!
18. Hike in the Mountains; Same deal as number 7.
19. DONE!
20. Take a Solo Mini Vacation; Now that I'm not going to NYC I feel less guilty about this. I plan to go to Moncton in June for my checkup on my eyes (2 years after my Lasik!), so I'll probably do it then.
21. DONE!
22. Have Professional Photos Taken of Myself; My appointment is booked for May 18th, so I'll post once I get the CD of prints back.
23. Get a Tattoo; I have a date picked. I just have to get up the nerve to call and make the appointment.
Yup. I feel the same way.
24. Watch 'Dr. Who' From the Beginning; I'm still plugging away. I'm on the 4th Doctor, who also happens to be the longest running. I'm half way through season 13, so only about 20 and a movie to get through, and some seasons are significantly longer than others.
25. Pierce the Top of My Ear; This has changed to Plant and Take Care of a Big Garden, and my cousins and I have had a couple of planning meetings. I'm a bit concerned about it, since the yard is a disaster and composters are a lot more expensive than I thought, but it'll all work out.
26. Dance More; Thanks to Just Dance and a lot of wedding receptions I'm doing pretty well with this.
27. DONE!
28. Drink More Water; This is going well. I've eliminated pop almost entirely and drink a lot more water. Woo hoo!

29. Go on a Date; Still on the dating website, but I'm pretty fussy, so no dates yet. My friend and I went to the liquor store last night to raise money for our Relay for Life team and she made it my mission to practice my flirting. I'm pretty good at smiling and saying hi (which is an improvement from the smiling and rapidly averting my eyes trick that has been my go-to for so many years), so I guess I'm making progress. Incidentally, I also saw 'cute bus guy' again. He was the same one I ran into on that ill-fated trip to the craft fair last fall. Just as I suspected, he didn't recognize me. I may have to break down and go on a date with someone I'm not super interested in, just to get one under my belt.

So, I'm getting there.


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