Friday, August 10, 2012

Ordinary Things Made Extraordinary

It wasn't the most complicated item on the list, but it was important for lots of reasons. It was a chance for me to appreciate the things I have and to spend some time with some great people.

On Wednesday night I completed list item number 8 and slept under the stars. Well, I assume I did, because despite the forecast for clear skies, it was foggy and I couldn't actually SEE any stars. I was planning on doing it on Tuesday on my lawn (although I had concerns that I would get lost in the grass, since it hasn't been mowed in a few weeks), but my cousins, who live across the road, offered me their trampoline to sleep on, which definitely sounded much more comfortable. I also thought that inviting my cousins would make it a lot more fun. We're really close and we used to have sleepovers all the time, but it has been close to 10 years since our last one. Unfortunately they weren't available on Tuesday so we moved it to Wednesday and our plan was born!

I wish I could say that it was the best sleep I've ever had, but that would be a huge lie. Turns out trampolines aren't all that comfortable after all, especially when there are 4 people sleeping on it. You kind of all slide into the middle and end up in a big pile of arms, legs and blankets. And I'm pretty sure I woke up every hour and tried to turn over carefully so I didn't wake the others or kick anyone in the head.

It also turns out that we have a surprisingly noisy neighbourhood. It started with the crickets. But they grew to be quite relaxing. Then there was the cardinal who very persistently began to chirp at about 4 am. Then my aunt left for work at 5, and my parents left for work at 5:30. Then at about 6, I awoke from my 'Planet of the Apes' inspired dream with a desperate need to pee. In retrospect the cup of tea before bed was probably a bad idea. Since we had to get up at 7 anyway, I headed for the bathroom and called it quits.

But despite the horrible sleep, I had a great time. It was actually a beautiful night, even if it was a bit misty, and it was so nice to just have time to talk with my cousins about the crazy things we used to do when we were kids (and let me tell you, there were some pretty crazy things). I also imagine it would have been really nice to have been able to see the stars. Don't be fooled, those are moisture beads in the picture, not stars.

I definitely want to do it again, and maybe make it an annual tradition. Our group wasn't complete this year either. My cousin is currently travelling in Nova Scotia and my sister lives in Calgary, but they'll both be here next summer in the middle of July, so I think I'll suggest we do it then. It was a great chance for us to be together, to act a bit like kids for a while and to take some enjoyment from the proverbial "little things" in life. And I think one of the most important things to remember is...

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