Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Valancy Stirling Project 2015!

Hello! Not a huge post today, just wanted to let everyone know that I have finally nailed down the list items for this year's edition of The Valancy Stirling Project. I was in a bit of a rut, as I explained in this post. Some of these things were on the last list (a couple of them maybe even the last TWO lists), but they were things that I really wanted to accomplish. Looking at the list, I feel like it's pretty ambitious in some respects, but more than anything I feel excited about it. Lets see how it goes!

1. Run a 10K; As some of you know, I started running in the spring. I'm hella slow, and I don't go nearly as often as I should, and the streets by my house are too narrow to run on in the winter, but I'll find a way to get it done. I even have a couple of friends who have volunteered to run with me!

2. Cook a turducken; If one bird is good, surely 3 birds cooked together should be amazing! I think this will be Christmas dinner for my parents and me.

3. Make 3 more pieces of clothing; I have lots of patterns and bought the fabric for a few of them already. The thing that was holding me back from completing this on the last list was that I wanted to lose some weight, and since I've now done that I'm ready to go!

4. Establish better housekeeping habits; I am not a good housekeeper. But I want to be. I'm not a total slob, I just tend to have clutter and dishes are currently my major downfall, but I'm getting better. My plan is to make being tidy a habit....which has failed so far. But it's on the list, so I have to do it!

5. Learn to properly roll sushi; I LOVE sushi and have made a messy version with my friend before, but I want to learn to do it properly. With real, good ingredients. It'll be delicious either way.

*6. Go on at least 1 date with a guy I did NOT meet online; This one I'm not going to start until later in the year. Unless someone comes along and something happens between us naturally, of course. I have to psych myself up for dating, and I have too many other things I want to do in the next few months, so this one will be a later item. I have an interesting plan for it though, so stay tuned!*

7. Take a fencing class; This was an idea from a friend when I put out a call for list item suggestions, and I immediately thought it sounded like an amazing idea. Sadly, we missed the registration for the fall, but we're going to try again in the spring. Clearly, I plan to recreate the sword fighting scene from "The Princess Bride" once I've finished the class.

8. One week tech free; Yeah. Another suggestion from a friend, and one that I really think I should do. I'll have to figure out logistics, since I need my tech for work, and I don't want to be completely cut off from contact with my friends and family. 

9. Stop picking my cuticles; As I sit here chewing on my thumb. Yet another audience request from one of the many friends who slaps my hand every time they see me picking at it. This one will be hard...

10. Get better at getting out of bed in the morning; Why did I pick so many hard things??? Anyway, this NEEDS to happen, because I'm tired of rushing and/or being late for work because I can't motivate myself to get the hell out of bed in the morning. I found some great tips that I'm going to try.

11. Read for at least 30 mins 5 times a week; I absolutely love to read, and keep buying books, but I have not made reading a priority lately. Probably because I've become too dependent on my technology. So I'm going to make it a priority again. Yet another habit-forming list item.

12. Go see a Blue Jays game; This is a big one. I have been a loyal Blue Jays fan since 1991; before the World Series wins, before I played ball myself, and before this year's amazing season. I was 8 years old when I first fell in love with them, and yet I've never seen them play. So I'm going to do it this year. Next season, obviously, because there is no way I'd get to a game this year. I'll have to save up and find someone to go with, but those are minor details. I'm going to see the Jays!!

So there it is! I kind of think I love this list. It's not as long as some of the others, but most of the items will take longer, and do more for my self-improvement in the long run. Wish me luck!

*Update: As of February 4th I am no longer going to go on a date with someone I didn't meet online. See the reasons here. Instead, I am going to make "De-cluttering un-needed items from my life" the new item #6.


  1. Great list Lisa. You will kill it.
    You are amazing.
    I am proud of you, you have grown so much in the year since we met.
    I can't wait to see how you blossom in the next year.

  2. Thanks Tabatha! I'm excited to jump into these new challenges!
